USDA Grant for Students/ Young Investigators

(US-based attendees only)


MedVetPathogens 2022 is excited to announce that up to 20 Student/Young Investigator Grants are available to eligible delegates.


  • The applicant must be an active microbiologist and have obtained their highest academic degree (Bachelor, Master or PhD) less than five years prior to the application deadline date and is currently enrolled as a PhD student, or is a postdoctoral fellow or new investigator. Periods of maternity/paternity and long-term sick leave do not count towards this 5-year limit.

  • They must be submit an abstract as the presenting author of an oral or poster presentation. Grants will only be attributed to presenters whose abstract is accepted into the program after the submission deadline (5th August).

  • They must currently be working in the US

  • Registration (including full payment) must be made before the Early Bird Registration Deadline on Friday 5th August. Applicants who have not completed the full registration/abstract submission process will not be eligible for the grant.


Step 1: Complete the following by the Abstract Submission Deadline on Friday 5th August.

  • Register for the conference

  • Pay the appropriate registration fee

  • Submit your abstract (you must be the presenting author)

Step 2: Download and complete the Application Form

Step 3: Download and complete the supporting letter for your conference attendance and grant application from your Head of Department.

Step 4: Email the application form and supporting letter to the Conference Secretariat by Friday 5th August, specifying in the subject header ‘USDA Grant Application’

 Please note that conference organiser ASN events collates all forms, do not send your application to USDA. 

Step 5 : Each applicant’s eligibility, letter of support and abstract will be reviewed by the MedVetPathogens committee after closure of abstract submissions. You will receive notification that your abstract has been accepted into the conference program (oral or poster presentation) and of the grant outcome by Friday 19th August. Support for successful applicants will be provided in the form of a partial reimbursement of your travel costs to attend the conference (transport and accommodation).